Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Blind Guide to Stinkville

From Amazon- For the first time in her life, after moving to a new town, Alice (who is blind) feels different- like she's at a disadvantage. Back in her old neighborhood, everyone knew Alice, and Alice knew her way around. In Stinkville, Alice finds herself floundering. She can't even get to the library on her own. When her parents start looking into schools for the blind, Alice takes a stand. She's going to show them and herself that blindness is just a part of who she is, not all she can be.

I really liked this book. It's not easy to move to a new town, especially for Alice who suffers from albinism, but she is determined to make a new life for herself. It's a heartwarming story about fitting in, facing the town bully, making friends, and accepting that sometimes life throws a few curve balls. This book covers many topics- handicap, depression, learning disabilities, and even The Civil Rights Movement.  It was easy to read and certainly kept me interested. The people she meets in the town are interesting characters, and Alice's love for her dog, Tooter, is adorable. Alice is a strong character and teaches the reader many lessons. I hope my students will give this one a chance. Grades 4 & up.

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